Featuring the DisplayLink DL-3500 chipset, the Plugable UGA-2KHDMI graphics adapter lets you connect an additional HDMI display up to 2560x1440@50Hz (lower resolutions at 60Hz) to your Windows-based laptop, desktop, tablet, or Mac 10.14+ systems via USB 3.0 to enable multitasking with ease. Drivers available for Windows 11/10/8.1/7 (Drivers can be automatically installed via Windows Update or downloaded directly from Plugable.) Supports Intel and M1 Macs on macOS 10.14+ with driver installation. Dual Core Intel or AMD CPU, 2GHz or better recommended and at least 2GB of RAM. Cannot be mixed with non-DisplayLink USB graphics adapters and drivers (e.g. MCT, j5, or SMSC). Linux/UNIX not supported. Supports HDMI displays up to 2560x1440/2K at 50Hz. 1920x1080 (1080P) and lower modes refresh at 60Hz. Using a "High Speed" HDMI 1.4 cable is recommended. Does not support HDCP, and will not allow for playback of encrypted Bluray disks or copy-protected content. Video playback at 1080P and above requires playback software that supports GPU acceleration. Not recommended for gaming.