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Dr. M(oriz) Henneberger: Alpine Chess - A collection of problems by Swiss Composers. Edited by George Hume and Alain C. White. Translated by J. Schumer. /A.C. White Christmas Series 27./ Stroud, 1921. Office of The ""Chess Amateur"". 235 [5 blank] 7 plates. (portraits) First edition. Red cloth. More than 200 problems (100 of them in full-page diagrams) and also a few endgames by 37 Swiss composers. Some biographical notes. Index of composers. - Publisher of the series was chess composer and enthusiast Alain Campbell White (1880-1951). A. C. White sent most books of the series to his friends as Christmas gifts. But they were offered for sale, too. The series consists from 44 books on problem chess and one pamphlet from 1912. Most books are hard covers, bound in red cloth with gold lettering, usually written in English, sometimes in German and French and one was partially in Czech. Most books have printed Christmas wish slip by White, usually bound in after a title page. It appears that a part of edition of some books has wish slips and a part does not. Number of copies published of separate volumes is not known.