1845 STUNNING Riviere BINDING 1st ed Juvenal Persius SATIRES Stoic Philosophy Many commit the same crime with a very different result. One bears a cross for his crime; another a crown. Juvenal, The Satires A rare 19th-century printing of The Satires of both Juvenal and Persius printed in London. This collection of satirical poetry was written in the late 1st and 2nd centuries and discuss society, social norms, irony, each of these providing insight to the morals and values of Roman life at the time. Juvenal outlines many of the concerns he has with Roman citizens including unfaithfulness and greed; issues he recognized as downfalls to society. This 1845 edition was published by Carolus Whittingham in London and is beautifully bound in fine, Moroccan red leather by Riviere. Item number: #23004 Price: $499 JUVENALIS, (Decimus Junius) Decimus Junius Juvenalis & Aulus Persius Flaccus, translated & illustrated, as well with sculpture as notes. London 1845 Details: Collation: Complete with all pages o Unpaginated Provenance: Armorial Bookplate R.A.G. Festing o Motto: FESTINA LENTE Language: Latin Binding: Leather; tight and secure Size: ~11.25in X 9in (28.5cm x 22.5cm) Our Guarantee: Very Fast. Very Safe. Free Shipping Worldwide. Customer satisfaction is our priority! Notify us with 7 days of receiving, and we will offer a full refund without reservation! 23004 Photos available upon request.