VERY GOOD DUST JACKET: Chipping to top and bottom of spine and all outside corners w/voids present at spine ends. Spine sunned, and, to a lesser extent, front panel. Several closed tears to top edge of both panels, primarily front. Minor stressing/abrasions to spine hinges and flap folds w/small scuff to outside margin, front panel, and closed tear (1½"") to bottom outside corner of same. Several old tape repairs to closed tears on reverse. In first 2 pics, paper insert place inside for improved appearance. BOARDS: Scuffing/bumps to crown and foot of spine. Bumps to outside corners w/minor scuffs to same. Small scuff to bottom edge, front. BOOK: Very good condition. Faint residue of removed bookplate to FFEP. Very small stains on pgs. 55-56. Please inspect photos and read description carefully for condition details. More pics available on request. *************************************Here on offer is a very nice copy of John Steinbeck's popular novella, The Pearl, a simple parable based on an old Mexican folk tale and the basis for the Mexican film La Perla (1947). This is a true 1st American trade edition, 1st printing of the work published by Viking Press in 1947. The dust jacket is protected from further wear by a Brodart sleeve. ********************************************** "" 'There it lay, the great pearl, perfect as the moon.' ***** Like his father and grandfather before him, Kino is a poor diver, gathering pearls from the gulf beds that once brought great wealth to the Kings of Spain and now provide Kino, Juana, and their infant son with meager subsistence. Then, on a day like any other, Kino emerges from the sea with a pearl as large as a sea gull's egg, as 'perfect as the moon.' With the pearl comes hope, the promise of comfort and of security. ***** A story of classic simplicity, based on a Mexican folk tale, The Pearl explores the secrets of man's nature, the darkest depths of evil, and the luminous possibilities of love."" //////////////////////////////////////////// ""John Ernst Steinbeck Jr. (February 27, 1902 December 20, 1968) was an American writer. He won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature 'for his realistic and imaginative writings, combining as they do sympathetic humor and keen social perception'. He has been called 'a giant of American letters.' ///// During his writing career, he authored 33 books, with one book coauthored alongside Edward Ricketts, including 16 novels, six non-fiction books, and two collections of short stories. He is widely known for the comic novels Tortilla Flat (1935) and Cannery Row (1945), the multi-generation epic East of Eden (1952), and the novellas The Red Pony (1933) and Of Mice and Men (1937). The Pulitzer Prize winning The Grapes of Wrath (1939) is considered Steinbeck's masterpiece and part of the American literary canon. In the first 75 years after it was published, it sold 14 million copies. ///// Most of Steinbeck's work is set in central California, particularly in the Salinas Valley...